Send these beautiful relationship quotes and cute romantic messages about love to your significant other to let them know how much you care. Relationship Quotes and Saying Straight From the Heart. Whether you’ve been together for a short time or a long time, this inspire quotes about relationships will remind you of just how amazing your special person is in your life.
Best Relationship ‘I Love You’ Quotes Of All Time For couples in long-term relationships, finding new and different ways to expose your love life. The Best Relationship Quotes Of All Time — To Help You Say ‘I Love you. Cute relationship quotes. Having a hard time in your relationship? Here is our collection of relationship quotes that can assist you in all stages of love.
Relationship Quotes
Share the best relationship quotes collection with funny, inspirational and wise quotations on relatives, dating, and relationships by famous authors. Here are 58 inspiring quotes about relationship that will give you motivation and strength to keep your relationship strong, healthy and everlasting. Enjoy!
1. “If it is destroying you, then it is not loved.”
2. “Your relationships with others will be difficult until you have a good one with yourself.”
3. “Don’t you get it? I chose you, over anyone else. I always fucking choose you.”
4. “The other day my grandma told me, “when you and he are fighting, you both need to remember that it’s you two vs. The problem, not you vs. Him.” And that hit me hard.”
5. “Without communication, there is no relationship. Without respect, there is no love. Without trust, there’s no reason to continue.”
6. “Be strong enough to let go and smart enough to wait for what you deserve”
7. “We’re a mess you and I, but the truth is, you captivate me in ways so soul ever will.”
8. “The key to happiness in relationships is focusing on what you can control things you cannot control your partner’s mood your partner’s health habits how your partner interacts with your kids your partner’s spirituality your partner’s communication skills your partner’s work ethic how often your partner initiates sex your partner’s relationship to your family your partner’s relationship to their family what your partner does with their time how often your partner does the dishes things you can control • your feelings toward your partner your words how easy you are to live with your healthy habits how you interact with your kids your spirituality your communication skills your work ethic how often you initiate sex your relationship with your family your relationship with your partner’s family how you spend your time how often you do the dishes”
9. “Because he’s your first love and your first heartbreak & ur not fully over him, so when he comes back into your life no longer w the “I miss you” but now w something harsh out of accusations, it hurts, you felt deeply for him and you thought it was going to be v long-lasting and you gave him your everything and loved him we all you had, and he comes in randomly like that, and it makes you think about everything, it makes you angry then leaves you w being hurt. I’m truly sorry that ur going through this, I know exactly how it feels. Just stay knowing your worth, and don’t let him belittle you. Don’t let him have that power over you. Yes, it’s going to hurt, but let it hurt, be okay w the thought of not being happy because over time it’ll pass. So, for now, focus on being okay, don’t pretend to be happy. It’s okay to be hurt, you have every right to be hurt, it doesn’t make you look weak, instead, it makes you look strong for accepting your emotions. Give it time beautiful.”
10. “You still make me smile. Even if you’re the reason why I’m sad.”
11. “This is sad are you ok? No, I’m not okay. I’m lost and | broken because I had to let go of the one person that brought me joy. The boy I loved the most so that he could find happiness. Why would I do that? Because that’s what love is; sacrificing yourself to protect someone no matter how it affects you. It’s hard. It’s hard because you want to be selfish and have them with you but you can never be truly happy if you know that they aren’t, so you let them go. And you hurt, a lot, for a long time, and I don’t know if I’ll stop hurting but I know that I’ll never stop loving him. So to answer your question: no I’m not okay, and I’m not sure I ever will be.”
12. “I miss you the most at night. When everything is quiet and the silence reminds me that I’m not sleeping next to you.”
13. “My head is telling me to forget you ever existed but my heart is telling me to hold on for dear life and never let you go, and I have no fucking idea which to listen to anymore.”
14. “There’s that one person you’ll never get over no matter how long it’s been ”
15. “I’m not perfect. I’ll annoy you, piss you off, say stupid things, then take it all back. But put that all aside, and you’ll never find a person who cares or loves you more than me.”
16. “I don’t hate you, I’m just not necessarily excited about your existence.”
17. “Waiting is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say I love you, but not everyone can wait and prove it’s true.”
18. “You can’t change someone who doesn’t see an issue in their actions.”
19. “When I text you, it means I miss you. When I don’t text you, it means I m waiting for you to miss me.”
20. “And then my soul saw you and it kind of went, “oh, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.”
21. “The other day my grandma told me, “when you and he are fighting, you both need to remember that it’s you two vs. The problem, not you vs. Him.” and that hit me hard”
22. “When you love someone, you don’t give up. Ever.”
23. “Relationships are much like algebra. Have you ever looked at your x and wondered y?”
24. “My only goal in life right now is to be happy. Genuinely, intensely and consistently happy, regardless of what that looks like to others.”
25. “I didn’t fall in love with you because I was lonely or lost, I fell in love with you because after getting to know you, I realized that I wanted to make you a permanent part of my world.”
26. “You are losing me. If you still want something before I’m lost”
27. “Don’t be sorry. I trusted you. My mistake, not yours.”
28. “Today my anatomy teacher was talking about how girls get emotionally attached to boys. There is a chemical in girls brains that go off when we like/love a boy, and boys don’t have that chemical, if you attach yourself to one person it’s going to be harder to move on, so girls have to literally try their best to guard their hearts and not depend on that one boy because it’s scientifically proven that boys don’t feel the same emotions towards you as you do. When you move on you are still going to have a small piece of that first person with you, and u obviously don’t want a piece of your past relationship in your new relationship because you won’t be able to give your all to that next person so during a breakup u can’t move on to a relationship right away, you have to find yourself and know your worth. So the saying “you have to love yourself before you love anyone else” is a real thing and it’s a great thing to live by.”
29. “When I first met you, I honestly didn’t know you were gonna be this important tome.”
30. “If she doesn’t scare the hell out of you a little, she’s not the one.”
31. “Don’t forget the day we met. It changed history at least for me.”
32. “Kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute. Wanna workout?”
33. “You are the one I love with all my might. The one I’m thinking about every night. The one that helps me make things right. The one I dream of when I sleep at night. The one I think of when I hug my pillow tight. The one I’m not giving up without putting up a fight.”
34. “Everything will happen for you all of a sudden and you will be thankful you didn’t give up. Blessings are coming. Believe that.”
35. “The hardest pill I had to swallow this year was learning that no matter how good you could be to somebody, no matter how much you love them, they can and will turn their back on you and there’s absolutely nothing you can do but suck it up and keep moving forward.”
36. “I wish I could explain your eyes, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I’m with you, I feel so complete.”
37. “When someone makes you the happiest person and the saddest person, at the same time, that’s when it’s real. That’s when it’s worth something.”
38. “Don’t give up today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground”
39. “Please tell me I’m not as forgettable as your silence is making me feel.”
40. “I know we’re too young and it’s still early to say this but I hope you’re the one”
41. “Hey idiot, I love you.”
42. “Love rules listen to your heart kiss each other goodnight say “I love you” be thoughtful and generous run away together have candlelight dinners be patient & kind with your words hold hands & cuddle know when to say you’re sorry laugh together every day be-willing to compromise write love letters never go to bed angry be spontaneous and impulsive respect each other grow old together remember why you fell in love live happily ever after”
43. “The saddest part of life is saying goodbye to someone you wish to spend your life with.”
44. “Do you ever write a message but halfway through you think “you know what fuck it, they don’t even care” and delete it..”
45. “One of the best things you could ever tell a girl honestly my mom would be so proud of me if I brought you home”
46. “I might not be there with you. But I’m always there for you.”
47. “My promise” no matter how many times we fight, I’m never going to stop loving you. I will keep my promise to you, and never give up on us. I promise.”
48. “One day someone is going to hug you so tight. That all of your broken pieces fit back together.”
49. “You have this incredible way of making my heart happy”
50. “If you want me in your life, put me there. I shouldn’t be fighting for a spot.”
51. “With you, it’s different”
52. “Hey you, you little shit, stop being so cute.”
53. “Everything you are is something I have never come across and will never see again; you are my once in a lifetime everything. J. Iron word”
54. “Love is not about sex, going on fancy dates, or showing off. It’s about being with a person who makes you happy in a way nobody else can.”
55. “Your relationship doesn’t need to make sense to anyone, except you and your partner. It’s a relationship. Not a community project.”
56. “A long-distance relationship teaches me to live to fullest when I’m alone and love crazily when I’m with you.”
57. “I don’t want to talk to him anymore but I can’t stop. It’s like I’m addicted to it. No matter how many times he leaves me on reading or doesn’t care when I’m upset I still go back to trying to make him happy and trying to get any tiny bit of his attention. Somehow I know I’ll never be what he wants or what he needs, I’ll never be good enough. The countless nights spent crying over him make the few happy nights feel like nothing. Yet I snap him again, each time trying to get his attention in a new way. The one time he wanted me constantly replying in my mind. When he said “come cuddle” etched into my memory as nothing else matters. It consumes me. Like a fog filling a room, it fogs my brain. Making everyday life unclear. Making me reach for my phone to see if he replied or if he said anything to my best friend about me. I get my hopes up ever frickin time!!!!!!! Shouldn’t I know by now that he doesn’t want me? Shouldn’t I move on? Stop trying? No. Instead, I snap him again when he doesn’t reply or I think of some way to get his attention. I’m trying so fucking hard to get him to like me and I’m probably just an ego boost to him. A little thing to help him feel better about himself. That’s what girls are to teenage boys right?”
58. “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.”
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Relationship Quotes to Reignite Your Love – Best Life Emotional You Are My True Love Quotes I won’t let you be my prince until you make it clear that I am your princess. I hope you know how much I love you. Keep in mind that whatever distances are there between us, I will always make myself available for you. I don’t love you because you are perfect.
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