Wonderful Night images. Good night quotes with beautiful images, messages & wishes. As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, all the good times are yours to keep. Sweet dreams & Goodnight sayings and quotes.
Good night sayings and good night quotes “Everyday I love you more than I did the day before. I can’t image how I could love you more than I do but somehow every day I manage it. I can’t wait for tomorrow to love you more again.” inspirational goodnight quotes and sayings are the most beautiful way to wish your dearest once with a beautiful goodnight. My day has been hectic, it’s been non stop and I never got to see you. It was hard but the thought of falling asleep without saying goodnight to you was unbearable. Goodnight, sleep tight, I can’t wait until the next time I see you.
Good night quotes, romantic & inspiring goodnight saying for night quotes. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and have a sweet dream. The lights are off, time to sleep, goodnight to you, may you have the most wonderful dream. Cherish all the beautiful moments today and think about them when you go to bed at night for a good night sleep.
Good Night Quotes
Beautiful good night quotes “Let go of every trouble that bothers your heart and mind tonight, and you shall wake up feeling refreshed tomorrow. Good night.”
1. “That person who enters your life out of nowhere, and suddenly means the world to you.”
2. “Honestly, I never knew I’d end up liking you this much.”
3. “Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing means absolutely everything to me.”
4. “If you avoid the conflict to keep the peace you start a war inside yourself.”
5. “The couples that are meant to be, are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart and come out even stronger.”
6. “Fall in love with someone who sees the wars within you and not only chooses to stay but chooses to stand by your side and help you fight them.”
7. “I make this solemn promise to you. To be your lover when you need to be loved, your doctor when you are ill, your army when you go to war, your umbrella when life rains down on you, your rock when you get weary, your shield when you need defense, your spirit when you are chained, your pillow when you need to rest, your voice when no one can hear you, your ear when no one will listen, your comfort when you feel pain, your hero when you are under duress, your sunshine when darkness falls, your answer when questions arise, your inspiration to overcome obstacles, your hand to hold when you are frightened, your kiss that wakes you every day, and your “I love you” every night.”
8. “You have got the arms I want to be wrapped in. You have got the eyes I want to get lost in. You have got the smile I can never resist. You have got the voice I want to listen to for hours. I decided on you, I want you and only you.”
9. “If you want me in your life, put me there. I shouldn’t be fighting for a spot.”
10. “I just want to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat.”
11. “I love you” means that I accept you for the person that you are and that I don’t wish to change you into someone else.
It means that I do not expect perfection from you, just as you don’t expect it from me. ‘I love you’ means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times.
It means loving you when you are in a bad mood or too tired to do the things I want to do. It means loving you when you are down, not just when you’re fun to be with.”
12. “You can’t stop the feelings you have for someone. You can’t lie to yourself either. Your heart knows the truth all too well.”
13. “All relationships have one law. Never make the one you love feel alone, especially when you’re there.”
14. “The prettiest smile hides the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.”
15. “One of the hardest things you will ever have to do is grieve the loss of someone who is still alive”
16. “It’s you. You’re the one I want. You’re the one I want to come home to after a bad day at work. You’re the one I want to roll over to in the middle of the night and wake up next to every day, for the rest of my life. You’re the one I want to go on late-night runs with for food just because we wanted to get out of the house. You’re the one I want to take on cute little dates like to a movie, or to a nice, fancy dinner, or an early morning breakfast before we both have to go our separate ways for the day. You’re the one I want to take on cute all-day dates to things like aquariums, and zoos, and amusement parks. You’re the one I want to go on a fun, exhilarating adventure with, such as a day at the lake, or a hike through the woods, or even just a late-night walk when everything is quiet. You’re the one I want to stay in with for the night and build a cute little fort while we watch movies under it and eat our favorite foods. You’re the one I want to make happy for the rest of my life. You’re the one I want to love and to hold when times get tough. You’re the one I want to be there for when everything in your world comes crashing down. All my good days and all my bad days, you’re the one I want to spend them with. It’s you. You’re it. You’re the one. And I swear to you, I have never been so sure about someone or something in my entire life. It’s you, and I say this without a single doubt in my mind.”
17. “You can’t just give up on someone because the situation’s not ideal. Great relationships aren’t great because they have no problems. They’re great because both people care enough about the other person to find a way to make it work.”
18. “To make a relationship work it takes a lot of forgiveness and hard work, you can’t just walk away when things get difficult.”
19. “It’s so weird thinking back to when I first met you & that moment I had no idea you would have such a big impact on me.”
20. “I love you. Enough to fight for you, compromise for you, and sacrifice me for you if need be. Enough to miss you incredibly when we’re apart, no matter what length of time it is for and regardless of the long-distance.
Enough to believe in our relationship, to stand by it through the worst of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple, and To never give up on us. Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need, or want me, and never want to leave you, or to live without you. I love you this much.”
21. “One day someone comes into your life unexpected takes you by surprise and changes your life forever.”
22. “I wish I could explain your eyes, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I’m with you, I feel so complete.”
23. “Yes, I can be the most difficult person you will ever meet. I have my faults and I have my baggage. I can go from this is the best day of my life to I just want to be alone in 5 seconds flat. I can be moody and temperament and how I feel changes faster than anyone can keep track. I am emotional and I feel things very deeply. I walk a thin line between what I should say and how I should act and how I feel. I have very high standards and I hold the people I care for in high regard. If you tell me you are going to do something I expect you to keep your word.
Do not tell me you will (or will not) do something and turn around and do it anyway. I do not like grey areas, I believe everything should be black and white. I can detect a lie from a mile away. If I think you’re lying to me I shut down. Sometimes I’m wrong and I overthink things but most of the time my intuition leads me in the right direction. As I said, I have faults but there are things about me that make my hard times worth dealing with. I may be emotional but that’s because I care very deeply and when I give you my love it’s all or nothing. I don’t do anything halfway. I’m the girl you can call at 2 am and I am still going to be the same compassionate person I would be at 2 pm. If you are part of my life you know that I give people way more chances than they deserve but when I’m done, I’m done. If I have ever loved you, I will always care about you even if I stop loving you.
When I decide I want something I go for it. I may come off as pushy but I’m just not subtle. I will do anything for the people I love and will give up things that matter to me to make them happy but the second I feel like you wouldn’t do the same for me I stop giving up who I am for you. Sometimes my kindness gets mistaken for weakness but the more you get to know me you will see I am far from weak. The best part about being an emotional wreck is that when all is said and done, I’m going to be ok. It may take a while but I can get through anything. And last but not least, I am the kind of person you either love or hate. If you can’t handle me as I am, then don’t waste my time.”
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Beautiful good night quotes and images
Looking for the best inspirational good night quotes pictures, photos & images? TailPic’s pictures can be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, and blogs. Good Night Quotes with inspirational words “these quotes will not only help you calm but also help you set your mood. Goodnight I love you.
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