Do you want her to wake up in the morning with a bright smile? Check these romantic good morning poems for her that will make her think of you!
Good Morning Poems: How amazing would it feel to wake up to inspiring quotes which fill you with positive energy for the rest of the day? The motivational poems in this post talk about life, success, love, attitude, perception, confidence, goals, and purpose among other things. Read them and capture the essence of a motivational start to the day. Relate your life events to these rhymes and pen down your thoughts.
Let the words come out straight from your heart and share them on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter – let all your friends, family, and colleagues soak in the energy bubbling up within you. After all, life is all about seizing every opportunity to make it the awesome celebration that it is. So keep on, never give up and start every morning with a smile that radiates happiness in every life you touch.
Poems have always been one of the loveliest means of expression. So, why not employ this style of language in a good morning message? Pour your sentiments out on paper, read them out, or SMS them to your loved one. The happiness on his/her face will be priceless.
Some studies have revealed that a message from the person you love, boosts the quantity of dopamine in your body, which makes you more joyful. Imagine what one pleasant morning message may do to the one you love! So, go ahead and spread the love!
Mornings are new starts for some people. Whereas, mornings can be highly stressful for some when they realize that they have to put up for all their issues, the whole day. Whatever the occasion, it is always fantastic to send a good morning message to the person you love. It demonstrates that you thought about them once you opened your eyes. Believe me, knowing this in itself is enough! Sure, yes, we realize that you have a job and a life, but it can wait for 2 minutes. Just think of the smile on your partner’s face, and you’ll do it.
You can compose certain poetry because they just appeal so wonderfully. Play around with phrases that capture how you’re feeling, and before you know it, you’ll find that you have a few lines written down and ready to go! If you are at a loss for what to say, choose any response from the options that have been provided. We have everything, whether it be for a woman or a spouse. Unleash the passionate poet that is inside you!
Good Morning Poems Inspiring Positive energy for the day
♥ This morning
Is all about care dream
Your dreams are much
Closer than they seem
All you have to do
Is to reach out and grab
Life is tough
So give it your best jab
Good morning
♥ This is not
Just another day
This is your destiny’s
Way to say
That you have
One more opportunity
To fulfill your dreams
And live your fantasy
Grab it while you can
Don’t let it go
A new beginning is not
A chance you want to throw
Good morning
♥ Now is not the time to wish
Now is the time to make way
Now is not the time to think
Now is the time to have your say
Now is not the time to aspire
Now is the time to put into action
For life is too short to waste
Let’s make it a celebration
Good morning
♥ Don’t let stress corrode
Your mind into rust
Let the problems of yesterday
Shrivel and bite the dust
Don’t let uncertainties
Shatter your equilibrium
Let each new day
Make your life awesome
Good morning
♥ Your beautiful smiles are the reason,
Why I look forward to each day,
To making you smile again,
To deserving your smiles again.
It’s amazing to be with you,
And witness your light.
I hope that today brings a lot of smiles!
♥ I am late for work
I am a little shabby
But I still have time
To text you good morning sweetie
I know I’m going to get
A piece of my boss’ mind
But if you send me a kiss
I will trudge through this grind!
♥ Radiant like the morning sun
Sweetheart, you are the one
Beautiful like morning dew
Baby, that girl is you
Misty like the morning skies
Darling, are your beautiful eyes
Soft like the light of daybreak
I think only of you when I’m awake
Good morning!
♥ May your wake-up call be my text,
Prompting me what to do next,
May your alarm clock be my voice,
May hearing it make you rejoice,
May every morning of yours,
Start with me;
Wishing a good morning,
To a girl like you so pretty!
♥ Feel the wind in your hair
Feel the mist in your eyes
Let the morning inspire you
With a beautiful surprise
Take in the fresh air
Think about new things
Fly away with the breeze
With a new set of wings
Good morning
♥ Life is too short
Sometimes, very fickle
Live it to the fullest
To make it special
Welcome each morning like
A bag full of possibilities
Savor every moment
To make precious new memories
♥ Everyone has regrets
Everyone makes mistakes
Everyone has a murky past
Everyone has much at stake
Yet every morning brings
A new aspiration
And a brand new hope
To make life a celebration
Good morning
♥ Only those who don’t complain
While striding forward
Only those who rise above
The rest, to fly like birds
Only those who stand up
And keep on without tiring
Tend to succeed in life
By learning and winning
Good morning
♥ The sun has risen
The day has begun
Now is your chance
To get things done
The canopy of night
Has given way
To the bright skies
And a beautiful new day
Good morning
♥ Life is similar to
A train station
You can choose from
A variety of options
Either you can take
The train to happiness
By breaking into
A smile which is priceless
Or you can take
The train to sadness
By frowning yourself
Into a state of bitterness
Ultimately your journey
Depends on your choice
Make the right one
So you can rejoice
Good morning!
Good Morning Poems for Loved Ones
♥ The colors of sunrise
Seem to fade away
The hues of the morning mist
Seem less impressive everyday
In front of your beauty
None of them stands tall
Compared to your radiance
Even the sun feels so small.
♥ Good morning, my rose
My beautiful daisy
Without you each day
Seems dull and dreary
If not for your dewy eyes
And your lovely fragrance
There would be no
Meaning to my existence.
♥ My girlfriend isn’t just my girl
She is my lover and my best friend
I feel great when I’m with her
On her, I so depend
She’s why I wake up every morning
Her voice is all that I want to hear
All that I want to confess today
Is that without her, I see no future!
♥ You’ve painted my mornings
Bright red instead of blue
My world will be colorful
As long as it has you
It will be full of swirls
Splashed with light and color
May it always be like this
Not just now, but forever!
♥ When I woke up today, I realized I’ve been insane…
To not see your face the first thing in the morning!
I don’t want to take this good fortune for granted,
Your face is most beautiful bliss my life is adorning,
So I saw your picture, my heart gave me a warning,
It soon needs the original, wish you a Good Morning.
♥ Whether you drink
Tea or coffee
It won’t make a difference
Too significantly
Whether you prefer
Hot chocolate or chamomile
It won’t matter at all
How you really feel
For as long as we are
With one another
I promise to make your mornings
Steamier than ever!
♥ I wish I could jump out
Of your phone’s screen
To convey what your presence
In my life really means
I wish I could run over
To your place right now
To show my love to you
And that I miss you and how
I wish I could wake up
Next to you everyday
To wish you good morning
Before the sun’s first ray
Good morning!
♥ Every day brings
So much more
To look forward to
Fly high and soar
Every moment brings
So much delight
Just being with you
Makes everything feel right.
♥ Every morning is a gentle reminder
Of all the times that we’ve spent together
Times that are fun, spontaneous and carefree
That’s how I always want us to always be
I want every morning to unfurl
Happiness for both me and you girl
I wish that every day from now on
Neither of us ever becomes forlorn.
♥ Good morning my love
My love my gift from god above
The one I place no one above
Except God above!
♥ Good morning my dear,
Wish I had you here;
But even if you are over there,
In my heart, you are here;
Have a great day for you I’ll always care!
♥ I am not a psychic
Or a astrologer
Neither do I claim
To be a fortune teller
All I can predict
For the future
Is that, with you my life
Is sure to be brighter!
♥ Another beautiful day
In my life has come
And it makes me feel
Really awesome
For this is one more day
That we’ll spend together
Making promises
To always be with each other!
♥ Wish you a good morning
My handsome guy
I can’t stay away from you
No matter how hard I try
Now get out of bed
Come and meet me
I can’t start my day
Without seeing you, baby!
♥ To meet you
I am waiting
For your hugs
I am craving
For your kisses
I am longing
You hot thing
Good morning!
♥ Wish you a good morning
You are a desire…
A desire that I want fulfilled, yet glowing and alight,
A desire that I want burning in my heart each night,
You are a dream…
A dream that entered my heart without any warning,
A dream that I want to wake up with each morning!
♥ As I drink in the rich fragrance of morning coffee,
I think of your side profile, crisp as a toffee.
As the sun’s golden rays drown the world in their light,
I am drowning in thoughts of you, silly and bright.
A simple reminder of your warm embrace
Makes me stupid with joy, bringing smiles to my face,
I imagine your smoldering eyes once again,
And I’m helpless, a lost cause, can’t focus my brain.
♥ The snugness of my bed
The coziness of my comforter
Makes me wish so bad
That you were right here
The warmth of my blanket
The softness of my pillow
Makes me want to see you soon
Is all that I want you to know!
♥ A beautiful morning like this
Makes me want a hug and a kiss
My steamy cup of coffee
Makes me want to get cozy
This warm and tranquil sunrise
Reminds me of your lovely eyes
Everything about this morning
Makes me want to be with you darling!
♥ I just got up and checked my phone,
You should have seen, how my eyes shone,
Your message thrilled me to the bone,
Making my morning a love-filled zone.
Each morning, it’s like I’ve been flown,
To my real heaven: your heart’s throne.
♥ The sun makes me see
Life’s most beautiful things
Its radiance reminds me of
The way you’ve given me wings
The haze of each dawn
Brings in a sense of bliss
It makes me realize how
With you, nothing seems amiss
Good morning!
♥ Every morning
Brings in a new day
For me to feel your love
And have my breath taken away
Every morning of mine
Wouldn’t be the same
If I didn’t wake up
Chanting your sweet name.
♥ Before you came into my life
Waking up was a bore
I used to hate it so much
It almost felt like a chore
After you came into my life
Mornings have become magical
It reminds me of meeting you
And that makes my day special
Good morning
♥ Darker and gloomy may be my way
But your love, makes a brighter day
Speechless is how I feel every day
For I’ve ever been loved – but not in this way!
♥ At night, you feel like the most exclusive wine,
In the morning, you become soothing sunshine…
Soft glow of first rays making you look divine,
Every morning I simply feel up on the cloud nine,
Thanks to you & Good morning, O Love of mine!
♥ Every morning is a chance,
To make you beam;
Every day is an opportunity,
To make you dream;
Every moment is an option,
To make you happy;
Every minute is an occasion,
To love you unconditionally.
♥ I’m sure you look more beautiful
Than what you did yesterday
The sun must have made you
More radiant with every ray
There’s yet another thing
Of which I am sure
Is that I am crazier
About you, than before
Good morning!
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