Funny Valentine’s Day Messages: What do you do if your girlfriend or boyfriend doesn’t want to do something very romantic on Valentine’s Day? Allow yourself to let go, because you might just find some funny Valentine’s Day quotes on the internet. The act of writing Valentine’s Day greeting to your boyfriend or spouse is not difficult or time-consuming.
Now that you have the option of expanding the list of gift recipients on this Valentine’s Day, it might be difficult to send various messages to your other loved ones, such as family members or friends, on the same day. Isn’t it also strange to hand out pre-printed Valentine’s Day cards with the same words on them?
In this post, we’ve put together 105 of the best Valentine’s Day greetings that are sure to give you some ideas. This Valentine’s Day, we’ve got you covered whether you’re seeking sentimental phrases to express yourself to your significant other, family, or group of friends.
Your physical presence is The day would be more important if you were able to meet up with your loved one to commemorate the occasion rather than simply giving him or her a present.
A special note to accompany your present: Although it is not an ancient Roman tradition, attaching a heartfelt Valentine’s Day message to your gift will assist in making your gift stand out even more.
Funny Valentine Day Messages
1. Roses are red, the grass is green, take me out for Valentine’s dinner, or I will create a scene! Happy Valentine’s Day!
2. Loving you is my job and every job holder needs the motivation to work. Can I have some motivation tonight? Happy valentine’s day!
3. I like the way you chew my mind like a bar of chocolate. It’s just a matter of days before I become brain dead because of your love!
4. You cannot define love in one word and you cannot celebrate love in one day. That’s why I don’t have any plans with you on this Valentine’s Day!
5. I need you more than my bathroom slippers. HVD! Happy Valentine’s Day!
6. Remember, your Valentine’s card shows you care enough to send the very best, even though you’re too lazy to put it in your own words. — Melanie White
7. I didn’t fall for you, you tripped me! — Jenny Han
8. Real love amounts to withholding the truth, even when you’re offered the perfect opportunity to hurt someone’s feelings. — David Sedaris
Funny Valentines Day Quotes
10. “You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.” – Barbara De Angelis
11. “You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.” – Albert Einstein
12. You are just as much weird as me. That makes us a perfect couple. Happy valentine’s day to my crazy one!
13. I always wondered what it is like to spend Valentine’s Day with the most awesome person in the world? Now I can know. So, wife, how is it to spend Valentine’s Day with me?
14. Let’s pretend like we are one of the best couples in the world. Other days, nobody will notice us.
15. Valentine’s day is the perfect day to tell you those three special words… Let’s get naked!
16. You are so cute same as my cat. Have a beautiful Valentine’s Day.
Funny Valentine Quotes for GF and BF
18. My friend, you are the only guy I think of every day, and I don’t know why, but I guess it could be love. I love you, now and forever. HVD!
19. You are an essential nutrient in my body. Without you, I would probably get rickets. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.
20. Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow internet service to see who they are.
21. Let’s pretend for one day that we love each other more than anything else. We can avoid each other for the rest of 364 days!
22. Some people make your heart go pitter-patter. You make mine dance! Best. Valentine. Ever.
23. If you feel sad that you stay alone during Valentine‘s day, just remember that nobody loves you on any of those other 355 days of the year.
24. On this valentine’s day, if you don’t have anyone, don’t be sad. Just know that you’re not the only one.
25. True love comes quietly without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.
Funny Valentine Quotes For Wife and Husband
27. This 14th February falls on Friday, meaning that the kids will be at school. They will also be exchanging gifts and wishes with other children in the class. As their parents and guardians, you can teach them about the day’s meaning and the wishes that they should write to express their feeling for those around them. And below is among cute Valentine’s Day messages and sayings for kids so you can celebrate the day with them.
28. What does your heart want to say? We have suggestions, or maybe our words will prime the pump of your well of words. Have a look!
29. An archeologist is the best husband any woman can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her.
30. Will you say that you’ll be mine? Will you be my Valentine? My hopeful guess is a great big hug with the sweetest, “Yes!”
31. You shower me with love, Valentine. My favorite weather! Love, Happy Valentine’s Day!
32. What present will you give to your right hand during Valentine’s Day?
33. I get it, you are not single; you’re just waiting for something real, which unfortunately will never happen. Happy valentine’s day!
34. Love is an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.
35. You are the blanket of my winter with whom I cannot sleep. Wishing you the love day.
36. Buy me chocolates and flowers today, or tonight you dine alone. The choice is yours, darling. Happy valentine’s day to you with love!
Funny Valentine’s Day Messages for Friends
38. My friend, I am opening an emotional bank account for you, deposit your love so that it can earn interest.
39. It’s always a wonder how the least intelligent guy in the friend circle gets the most beautiful girl in the class. Happy Valentine’s Day!
40. You are the sweet topping of my ice cream. I wish this ice cream never melts. Have a wonderful Valentine.
41. A guy knows he’s in love when he loses interest in his car for a couple of days.”
42. Loving you is my job and every job holder needs the motivation to work. Can I have some motivation tonight? Happy valentine’s day!
43. To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. Happy Valentine’s Day to Me!
44. I am celebrating Independence Day as I am still single. Happy Valentine’s day, my dear friends.
45. I love you more than… more than… It would appear I love you more. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Funny Valentine Messages For Him
47. You’re the reason why my world is so colorful and full of melodies. You’re the perfect boyfriend of my dreams. Happy Valentine’s Day!
48. I know you’ll give that chocolate-stained smile today, but I won’t have any chocolates for you love, I will only have a heart that’ll be true to you always. I love you my valentine.
49. If you break my heart, I will break your all bones. So never dare to cheat me. I love you a lot. I wish you the best valentine’s day.
50. If this Valentine could talk, it would say, “Get me out of this envelope!” And then it would say, “Grandma loves you!” Happy Valentine’s Day, Sammy!
51. The power of the human brain is unlimited. Even a loser can create an imaginary valentine for himself at any time. Then my friend, why you’re so sad?
52. You are my true love, my love of life, to whom I am living and you are always in the radiance of my sight. Is that you? Not of course! My BMW! Now I am going to spend my valentine’s day with her.
Funny Valentine Messages For Her
54. You are as cute as my cat, and you know how much I love him. Have a beautiful Valentine’s Day.
55. Happy Valentine’s Day BF! I want to marry you, but people say marriage may make couples fall out of love. Let’s never get married then, but always belong to each other. Enjoy this day.
56. I wish I could wrap all my love for you in a box and send you as a gift on this valentine’s day. But I couldn’t send it because there is not such a big box to carry all my love for you.
57. All I need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt, especially today, on Valentine’s Day! Just giving you a hint of what I’d like. Love you!
58. The world is filled with so many people with so little love. Tonight, let’s make some love together. Happy valentine’s day!
59. Someday the best part of our day will be changing diapers together, but that won’t matter for I know our children will have your beautiful eyes. Happy Valentine’s my love!
60. You stole a pizza my heart! You saucy thing. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Funny Valentine Wishes for Singles
62. Someday, we will be changing diapers together. Happy Valentine’s day, my love!
63. Happy Valentine’s day, love. Do not follow the advice of friends who say you shouldn’t marry a girl like me. The truth is, they want to marry me, but I chose you. Stick with me, darling.
64. A date with you? No thanks, I would rather have an apple by myself alone. Happy valentine’s day!
65. The world is filled with so many people with so little love. Tonight, let’s make some love together. Happy valentine’s day!
66. Love doesn’t grow on trees like apples in Eden – it’s something you have to make. And it would be best if you used your imagination too.
67. Happy valentine’s day my love. Can you help me find the cheapest dinner plan for the two of us tonight? I’ll be forever grateful to you for that!
68. I wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day with all my heart, lungs, liver, and spleen…!
69. Today we’re far apart I hope you’ll enjoy your valentine’s day away from me. But not with another man or else. You don’t want to know what I’ll do. ?. Happy Valentine’s Day my love.
70. We slew the dating game, now we are slaying the married life. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Funny Valentines Day Text
72. Plenty of love, Tons of sweet kisses, Hope that one day, Happy Valentine Day.
73. I’ll be your Miss! Happy Valentine Day.
74. Doing absolutely nothing with you means absolutely everything to me! Happy Valentine Day!
75. Here’s Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food, and especially good friends like you.
76. Every man would agree that the 14th of February should be celebrated in a fiscally but not sexually conservative way.
77. I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile. Then walk into a pole.
78. You are the candy crush that I love to play with daily. Happy Valentine Day.
79. Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There’s too much fraternizing with the enemy.
80. Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.
81. they say love is blind but to me, it is not. Happy Valentine’s Day!
82. I love you more than my washroom slipper. Happy Valentine Day.
83. Nobody will love you like me after knowing all your weird habits. Happy Valentine’s day!
Best Funny Valentine’s Day Images With Quotes
Greeting Card Ideas for Valentine’s Day, which is celebrated on February 14th, as well as sentiments to add in the cards
You are a critical component of my body’s dietary requirements. I would be suffering from osteoporosis right now if it weren’t for you. Thank you very much. I’d like to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart.
There are no words to adequately convey my gratitude towards you, which goes well beyond anything my bathroom slippers could ever comprehend.
All of the icings on my doughnut and the sugar sprinkled on my cake are a result of your generosity! Valentine, you have me completely head over heels in love with you!
What you did instead was cut your way into my mind rather than take my heart. When I’m with you, I’m so engrossed in our conversation that I completely forget who I am myself. I want to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart. I love you.
I promise in my life that I have no intention of doing anything criminal. This is especially true when I’m alone with you.
Even though I don’t generally go out on Valentine’s Day, it’s a special occasion when I do, especially when it’s with someone as lovely as you, which is not often!
Unfortunately, it looks like not even God was successful in matching you with a suitable mate after all these years. Some speculate that she hasn’t even been born yet, while others speculate that she is from the planet Mars. Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
However, even though some people feel that life is a race and that you should move at your own pace, I wouldn’t be able to walk if you weren’t beside me on this journey. The role of my legs, as well as everything else that goes along with them, has been taken over by you. Greetings, my sweetheart, and best wishes for a very happy Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day should be a joyous occasion for everyone. Things on this list are things that you should purchase for me as a thank you for being the best boyfriend the world has ever known.
Being on a diet means I don’t require a lot of sweets on Valentine’s Day, which is quite beneficial for me because I’m on a diet. Instead, you might use your money to purchase diamonds for me, which would be far more useful!
It is important to remember how we appeared today; one day, we will be old and wrinkled, but the best part is that we will both be old and wrinkled in the same area at the same time, which will be quite beautiful. I want to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day, my darling!
Until I met you, I lived my life as if nothing else mattered except my friends; since meeting you, I have lived my life as if nothing else matters but you. As a result, I’ve been neglecting my social media accounts. I’d like to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart.
This remark does not imply that money or your well-being is more important to me than you or that my well-being is more essential than yours. Although my father feels that investing money in worthwhile ventures is crucial, I should heed his advice! Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
There is no one else I’ve ever met who is as romantic and lovely in their personal life as you are. There is no one like you that I have ever met before. Perhaps this explains why you have been a single woman for such a long period.
You can bring out the best in me, which is something that not many people are capable of. I am incredibly familiar with you, although I will be watching you from a distance since you do not know who I am. It is my prayer that you have a good day today! My crush sends his warmest wishes for a happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours.
When you realize that you will not be spending Valentine’s Day with a special someone, you feel melancholy and depressed quickly. Have a good time with me today and best of luck in the next year, my buddy.
The brain is the most amazing of all the organs since it is capable of performing so many different functions. There are no hours or days off, and it is open from the moment you are born until the moment you fall in love, 365 days a year.
As a fart goes, love goes too, and so does being in love with someone who farts all the time. Trying to push it can only result in a total failure. My good buddy, I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day.
Whatever you do, don’t commit yourself to anything that will last a long time. You’ll be dead for a very long time before you succumb to your injuries. Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
My realization just now that I’ve fallen in love with someone far more profoundly than I had anticipated at first sight has been a revelation for me. Allow me to share a Valentine’s Day confession with you if you don’t mind.
Even if I am just able to remove your garments from you tonight in the same manner in which you would remove a bar of wrapped chocolate from its wrapper, I will consider it a success. Unfortunately, I was unable to join you for dinner today, which I very much regret. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my darling.
Thank you for accepting my heartfelt greetings for a wonderful Valentine’s Day from the bottom of my heart.
On this Valentine’s Day, please accept my deepest greetings. Throughout the night, my cherished teddy bear, you are always there for me, providing the warmth and comfort that I require. My dear pillow, I’d like to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day!
Medical insurance does not cover the cost of a shattered heart, which is awful for someone like me who needs to recover. Please don’t ever leave me alone again in the future. Thank you very much. Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
Rather than only taking my heart, I think you have also utterly enslaved me and alienated me from myself. Valentine’s Day should be a joyous occasion for everyone.
I’d like to extend a kind greeting to everyone and everything in my life. Let me emphasize that life is short and that we should love one another for the rest of our lives, no matter how difficult it may appear at the time. Spend some quality time with me today to take advantage of this gorgeous day.
Valentine’s Day is a time to enjoy excellent wine, delicious food, and, most importantly, the wonderful company of great friends like you and your significant other.
Please make yourself available to me at all times, including on weekends. If it doesn’t happen, I’m going to be disappointed! Would you be interested in being my Valentine if I asked you to do so?
“Love has no sight,” as the saying goes, and this is a statement that is quite accurate. The fact that I’m falling in love with you although I’m furious makes it difficult for me to fathom. Never mind, I’ve got enough of this nonsense! I’d like to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day from the bottom of my heart.
Valentine’s Day is a single day, and the rest of the days are spent with other people who are significant in one’s dedication to that person or relationship.
It is hoped that God will fill your heart with love and your wallet with money, allowing you to treat your honey to some chocolates on her birthday. Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
At the time, I was alone and unhappy, and I couldn’t stop myself from acting on my feelings. As soon as I met you, it dawned on me that being single wasn’t such a horrible thing after all. This isn’t something I’m serious about! Please accept my heartfelt wishes for a very happy Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart!
I’m completely and completely in love with you. But, more specifically, what is your given name? LOL. You have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart.
Although I came close to kissing her, I was speaking in her ear instead about something important to me.
I’m intrigued by your ability to chew on my ideas like a piece of chocolate, something I’ve never seen before. The days are counting down till your admiration leaves me completely unable to function due to the effects of my affection!
At least from the looks of things, it appears to be a great deal of fun to celebrate Valentine’s Day in movies. Although this is correct in principle, it is both unpleasant and expensive to do in practice. You’ll understand what I’m talking about if you go out and buy a bunch of flowers!
Your kissy expression gives me the impression that my huggy bear is having a very joyful Valentine’s Day. I just adore you!
My excitement about eating you regularly has grown tremendously over the past several months. Greetings and best wishes on what is sure to be the most romantic day of your life. Valentine’s Day should be a joyous occasion for everyone.
The fact that I’m looking forward to ripping their clothes off when I get married is one of the few things in life that I look forward to. You are one of those things. It would be hard for me to describe how much I admire you. Valentine’s Day should be a joyous occasion for everyone.
I’d want to express my heartfelt congratulations on your engagement, my darling. Because you were finally able to love me, I will be able to die peacefully, and I hope that we will be able to do so together. But for now, let us enjoy the current moment as much as we possibly can.
Valentine’s Day should be a joyous occasion for everyone. To avoid getting on your nerves on Valentine’s Day, I’ve sent you this letter in the hopes that it will prevent that from happening.
Chocolates will not satisfy your insatiable appetite, therefore I will arrange for you to have dinner in their place. I’m hoping you’ll agree to accompany me on Valentine’s Day date with my lover, which will take place on February 14.
Valentine’s Day had absolutely no meaning to me the day before, and it continues to have absolutely no meaning to me today as well. But I’m still in love with you, despite everything.
It is one of a man’s most crucial obligations to safeguard his wife from her insatiable need to “get bangs” every two months.
Every day, you make me fall in love with you a little bit more than a s’more, and it’s all because of you. Valentine, you are the epitome of delectableness that makes my mouth swim with anticipation!
All that is required is a little bit of love on both sides. A small amount of chocolate now and then, on the other hand, isn’t going to hurt anything.
In the same way that I appreciate soft drinks, I admire you as well. I’d like to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day from the bottom of my heart.
Along with being my wife, you also perform the roles of commander in chief and, on occasion, mother to the children of the military service. You are the center of my universe, and I am completely devoted to you. You terrify me in the best conceivable manner. A fearful person could be terrified, which is exactly how you terrify me. Greetings to my amazing wife on this romantic and sentimental day of love and passion!
At the very least, your wallet will stay safe if you don’t meet someone special. Keep in mind that you should never take your existence for granted. I’ve already begun to feel a bit envious of your success and accomplishments!
Since love is a stupid emotion, I must be an even bigger fool for falling in love with the most attractive person on earth in my opinion, as defined by these criteria. Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
It is necessary to enhance the magnification. Keep it in its current location. Continue to hold on… Continue to hold on… Continue to hold on to Continue to hold Forever is a great thing to contemplate.
On Valentine’s Day, I always manage to end up with a hole in my pocket, and it takes me the whole year to patch it back up. Knowing that you are still unmarried brings me a great deal of comfort!
Friends that are sincerely nice and supportive are the best Valentines a person could hope to get on this day.
Valentine’s Day is an idea that I’m already familiar with and like. When the naked infant shoots you with an arrow, you fall head over heels in love with her right then and there.
Robbery, drug dealing, and other criminal activities are all carried out at the same time. For the sake of keeping my heart from being broken, you have also made me dependent on your compassion. Firstly, I’d want to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart spouse.
Other people say that love may be blinded by its intensity and yearning, but I do not believe this to be true. Because of your love, I have become more aware of all of your flaws, and yet I continue to love you despite these revelations about yourself. Greetings, my sweetheart, and best wishes for a very happy Valentine’s Day.
I’m sure you’ve felt the tingling sensation that comes with being in a romantic relationship with someone at some point. If you will, that sound represents the sound of your common sense being evacuated from your body.
You are the one who occupies the central position in my entire world. When I’m with you, I completely forget about going to the zoo in the first place. Greetings, my darling, and best wishes for a very happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours!
At the moment, I’m having a fantastic time with my girlfriend; I just wanted to check-in and see how you were getting along. Do you know what it’s like to be under the misconception that you’re dating someone else? I’m looking forward to finding out the solution!
There are times when I am at a complete loss for words when it comes to expressing my thoughts to you. Perhaps it’s just my poor facial expression. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on this Valentine’s Day occasion.
The rate at which my money has grown in recent years has been equal to the rate at which my affections for you have grown, and I would be on the Forbes list of the world’s richest men by the time you were born. Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
If you combine iced tea with moon pies, it will be much more delicious! Babe, you have my undying love and admiration!
Aside from that, I will be single for the first time in my adult life this year.
The fact that folks are curious about my plans for Valentine’s Day as if they are entirely clueless that I am single, makes me smile. I enjoy answering their queries.
Which do you think I would prefer: to be feared or loved? Both are straightforward. I want people to be afraid of how much they adore me because they are terrified of how much I adore them in return.
When was the last time you heard someone say that Valentine’s Day is only for romantic relationships? Who was it that said that? Your friendship means the world to me, and I am eternally grateful to you! Valentine’s Day should be a joyous occasion for everyone.
What is it about being in love with you that has to be so toxically beautiful for it to be genuine? You might wonder. It is my prayer every day that you will see me, and today, I will stand directly in front of you to make sure that you do not pass by without seeing me, your valentine, as you pass by.
Happy Valentine’s Day, and may it bring you much joy and causes you to wag your tail in happiness. What it would look like if you did have one would be something like this:
Is it possible that you’re a piece of library literature, young lady? Why? Because I can’t seem to get myself to quit thinking about and looking for you! The feeling of falling in love with you is a peculiar and unpredictable one that puts me on an emotional roller coaster trip. Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
A successful relationship can only be established if both parties fall in love with the same person more than once.
Are you interested in knowing what I have planned for the remainder of the afternoon? Make no mistake about it, holding you responsible for taking my heart is a high priority for me right now. Please accept my heartfelt wishes for a very happy Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart!
When it comes to Valentine’s Day, it isn’t something I do regularly, but when I do, I make an effort to put on a fake grin to commemorate the occasion.
Because I am so attractive, I believe that we are the most attractive couple on the face of the entire planet. Valentine’s Day should be a joyous occasion for everyone.
Mr. Walker, I am writing to express my gratitude for the time you have taken to read this letter. It is my prayer that you have the greatest of luck today as you attempt to determine who sent you this Valentine’s Day greeting card. Thank you so much for pouring your heart and soul into your teaching for the benefit of the students!
For me, it wasn’t a case of falling head over heels in love with someone at first sight. In total, it took me five minutes to complete the assignment.
One word cannot adequately describe love, and one day cannot adequately commemorate love, because they both fall short in this regard. Unfortunately, as a result of this situation, I will be unable to make any arrangements with you for Valentine’s Day in the foreseeable future.
I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day that you will remember for a long time to come. So, to summarise, indulge yourself to the fullest extent possible with your Valentine’s Day chocolates!
As a thank you for choosing to be my Valentine, I will provide you with the gift of a chocolate fountain, albeit a fictitious one, for your consideration. It is my sincere hope that you enjoy yourselves, and please accept my condolences for being unable to attend owing to budgetary restrictions. Make the most of the circumstances to the greatest extent feasible.
I feel amazing when the flowers are red, and I feel much better when you blush next to me while the roses are red. My love, I want to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day since you are the highlight of my life regularly.
Over several months, my thoughts on how to express my feelings for you have been circling in my brain. I wish I could have been there to witness your parents’ union and the birth of your child. The moment you read this, I’m going to ask you to marry me. Everyone should have a happy Valentine’s Day.
The sensation of love is similar to the sensation of back pain in that it is not visible on X-rays, yet you are aware that it exists.
At your company, it seems like Valentine’s Day is celebrated every day, which is why I don’t have anything unique to present you on this day.
Despite my reservations, Ewe Woolly managed to win over my heart and keep it there. Furthermore, it is a complete and utter delight for you, my dear!
If you are feeling lonely today, remind yourself that you felt the same way yesterday and that you will feel the same way tomorrow as well. Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
Greetings, Dear FriendI’d want to express my heartfelt congratulations on your engagement and wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you and your partner have a wonderful time together although she will not be accompanying you to a night-out party with her friends.
Valentine’s Day provides the ideal moment for a youngster armed with an arrow to carry out his or her murderous plans. It would be greatly appreciated if you would accept my apologies for not bringing you out sooner; I don’t want you to become another victim. Making a hearty Valentine’s Day meal is important, no matter what you do.
At the time of my high school graduation, I had a lot of crushes on a wide range of different boys, but you were, in my opinion, the most attractive of them all. Therefore, you are the luckiest guy on the globe to have me sitting right next to you at this very moment. Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
Even after all this time, I’ve never encountered a situation in which a bicycle could be relied upon to stand by itself. The tire is, to put it another way, “two-tired.” If you don’t come with me, I’ll be too exhausted to continue living my life on my own. My heartfelt wishes for a very happy Valentine’s Day to you from the bottom of my heart. For the time being, let’s take it easy.
When you took that shot, Cupid, you hit the nail on the head. Valentine, you have me completely head over heels in love with you!
In your opinion, the world’s tiniest Valentine should be given a unique name. It’s possible that you’re perplexed. If you want to be specific, a Valen-tiny
This is for the simple reason that I’m head over heels in love with you and so need to have the lenses of my glasses strengthened.
I humbly beg that you kindly leave my thoughts alone on this Valentine’s Day to respect your privacy, since I can’t stop thinking about you. I appreciate your understanding.
Simply being friends with you is all I desire. That is all I wish for in life. In addition, you are my favorite person on the face of the earth, which is a smidgeon more on top of that.
You don’t need flowers or ornaments to make your house smell good, and you don’t need flowers or ornaments to make your home appear beautiful. And then I discovered that you don’t have to wait for a special occasion such as Valentine’s Day to be recognized and appreciated.
Although my friends are some of the strangest and wildest people I’ve ever met, they are also some of my favorite people on the face of the planet. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Valentine’s Day today!
Every cow has your face painted on it, and I can tell which ones are which just by looking at them. Could you please lose a few pounds in my honor? I’d appreciate it. I’d like to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day from the bottom of my heart.
Your presence brightens my days, but it also causes me to become burned because of the exposure. The warmth of the sun reaches down to the ocean’s depths, wishing you a very happy Valentine’s Day.
Your name is Valentine, and you are the one I’ve picked out for myself. Riley’s warm greetings can be found on every single day of the week, including weekends.
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on putting together the most thoughtful Valentine’s Day gift for your best friend ever!
Valentine’s Day should be a joyous occasion for everyone. I have no idea how fortunate you are to be married to someone as great as I am, but I am grateful beyond measure!
If you intend to be single for the next two years and do not want to be with yourself, you should carefully consider dating someone other than yourself. It is simply because you are unique and there is no one else on the earth who looks or behaves exactly like you!
In the morning, when I first wake up, I think of you in the same way that someone who is lethargic thinks of their bed. In the same way that a monkey wants bananas, I want you more than anything else in the world, and I want you more than a big guy who loves chocolate bars.
Greetings, my sweetheart. I’d like to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day in advance. Although I have battled against everything in my life, it appears that you are irresistible since you are the sole temptation I have in every element of my life, even my professional life. Let’s make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Previously, I was a massive pile of fatty tissue, but I’ve lost a significant amount of weight since seeing you in person. It is my opinion that you are the most effective weight-loss therapy now available on the market. Now let’s go into the house and continue our efforts to lose even more weight! Valentine’s Day should be a joyous occasion for everyone.
I never know what to say when someone asks me what the nicest thing about them is. I don’t know, that’s always the first thing I say in response. I don’t want them to fall head over heels in love with you, and I’m not sure how I’m going to keep them from falling in love with you. Everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, even the staff!
True love has an unimaginably high monetary value and cannot be measured. However, if I were you, I would hold off on purchasing it until it is available for purchase on the market.
Despite the notion that money cannot purchase love, it may purchase a great deal of it.
When you’re with me, try not to appear too cool, or you’ll come across as a complete moron, I promise you. I’d like to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day from the bottom of my heart.
Love can be compared to a blanket. For a short time, it may appear to keep you warm and secure, but you will soon discover that it was an electric blanket and that someone else was in charge of the switch!
Friendships may last a lifetime, although relationships with women are often short-lived in nature. Accept the reality of the situation, my friend. It is not your fault. It’s not your fault in the least. Let us spend this Valentine’s Day high on drugs and drunk as a lord to commemorate love and romantic relationships.
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