Socrates Quotes: Socrates was a Greek philosopher from Athens who is credited as the founder of Western philosophy and among the first moral philosophers of the ethical tradition of thought. Try Our Best Quotes about Socrates.
Socrates of Athens (l. c. 470/469-399 BCE) is among the most famous figures in world history for his contributions to the development of ancient Greek philosophy which provided the foundation for all of Western Philosophy. He is, in fact, known as the “Father of Western Philosophy” for this reason.
Socrates believed that no one does wrong voluntarily. Evil is the result of ignorance. If people knew what was the right thing to do they would do it. We always choose what we think is the best or good for us. We collected Powerful Socrates Quotes.
Socrates Quotes
1. “It is better to change an opinion than to persist in a wrong one.” – Socrates
2. “They are not only idle who do nothing, but they are idle also who might be better employed.” – Socrates
3. “Call no man unhappy until he is married.” – Socrates
4. “Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.” – Socrates
5. “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates
6. “How many are the things I can do without!” – Socrates
7. “He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.” – Socrates
8. “The mind is everything; what you think you become” – Socrates
9. “The poets are only the interpreters of the gods.” –Socrates
10. “To find yourself, think for yourself.” – Socrates
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